Bach Flower Remedies are nature's healing gift to us!
Healing With Flowers
Take the Bach Flower Remedy Questionnaire:

What Healing Do You Need? Remedy Blends Custom Made!
Emotional Balancing in a Bottle
As a Homeopath, I understand and LOVE the healing power of nature! Bach Flower Remedies are a different format of healing made from nature. Dr. Richard Bach's years of study of the healing power offered by flowers and trees have produced wonderful remedies to help you balance your mind and emotions. The most common remedy is called Rescue Remedy, you may have heard of it. It is used for acute anxiety or stress, to help your nervous system calm. This plus the other 38 remedies, aids imbalanced mental and emotional states, helping you restore and return to wholeness. Take the questionnaire below to see what can help you!
The Service:
The link below will take you to a questionnaire that you can fill out to determine which remedies you need.
Email me your results and I will make you a custom blend of the chosen remedies.
The benefit of this method is that you have healing for all issues in one bottle and it saves you from purchasing all the remedies you need individually. (The average price of one remedy bottle is approximately $12-15 CAN).
You can have up to seven remedies added per blend.
Your custom blend comes in a 30ml cobalt blue glass bottle with a dropper. $33.90 is the total cost for the blend creation, plus shipping. Shipping is $20.
NOTE: If you live locally and can pick up your order, do not order online as the shipping is added automatically. Send me a note with your questionnaire results and we will arrange it from there.